Business. Politics. News. Kazmania.

Friday, November 26, 2004


Those that have seen me around the campus know I often walk around wearing my NRA hat. Oddly enough, I do not do this for ideolgical reasons, I do it because it my favourite hat and it's the only one that fits properly.

Having said this, if I am the only one under 30 wearing an NRA hat its fair to say NRA has an image problem - a big one since the only non-business formal outfits that I wear that are remotely fashionable are usually put together by my girlfriend.

NRA ought to start putting pictures like
this on its website.

Ukrainian Election Stuff

The Periscope is a great website for following what is happening in Kiev adn across Ukraine.

I'm not sure what is happening there every second, but this is the scariest thing that has happened in Europe for quite some time. These people deserve all the support they can get from us. I am happy that Stephen Harper and Jack Layton both spoke at the Ukrainian gathering on Parliament Hill where the crowd was chanting "Yushchenko, Yushchenko."

Thursday, November 25, 2004

EU and Hamas. Shcoked?

This is rich. I particularly like how the CBC ends the story: "Known mainly for its militant activities, Hamas also operates mosques, schools, clinics and social programs. "

It doesn't end it with questions about the EU or the history of Hamas blowing up school buses. But it ends it with saying Hamas operates mosques and schools- all without mentioning that Hamas operates these institutions so it can use them for recruitment and PR.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Politics Watch Review

Not much to say. But this is worth a quick read.

Tansfat Vote

Note the number of Conservative MP's who voted for this silly motion. What a disgrace.

China Currency

I rarely rant about classwork, but I am going to do so now because it's one of the most relevant international trade issues of the day. If your are not interested in China currency issues, I suggest you check out the other posts or just doodle for a while.

Today, I had a presentation where I argued that the next big thing for the Consumer Electronics industry is China and that all White and Brown goods producers ought to direct heavy FDI in China. So someone, a wacko socialist who despises all that is common sense, decided that he wanted to pick a fight with me in Q&A.

He asked a question on China Yuan and valuation citing, perhaps unkowingly, the tired and untrue AFL-CIO argument that China's Yuan is so undervalued that if it were to be floated the US trade deficit would disappear because Chinese exports would become so expensive.

First of all, AFL-CIO does not count as an authority on any issue of economic policy and it's a shame that so many Republicans down south have bought this hook, line, and sinker. (Specifically Don Manzullo)

Second, various organizations, including the Cleveland Federal Reserve have done studies and shown that the Yuan is NOT undervalued, but overvalued. Here is one such study.

Third, so what? Even if China's currency was undervalued, what would these portectionist (liberal and conservative) would have it do? China is too big to have a floating currency. As much as it annoys me, I have to admit that this one area when the libertarian idea of a non-floating, centrally controlled monetary policy makes sense. This is exactly what US did for most of its history and these American anti-China politicos should remember their history.

More on this later.

Poland Rocks

This is another reason why I continue to be impressed by Poland. It is a great country, freed by Ronald Reagan, that continues to point out the EU/France hypocracy on various issues- the latest being the so-called Ukranian election.

"'During a press conference in Presidential Palace, President [Kwasniewski] announced that he'll be immediately contacting [the outgoing Ukrainian] President Leonid Kuczma. Kwasniewski wants the negotiations [between the two presidential candidates] to take place in the presence of representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Union...

'Kwasniewski is the first of the EU leaders to speak out about the Ukrainian election... Dialogue, yes - violence, no, Kwasniewski repeated twice. And what will you do, Mr President, if Kuczma rejects your initiative? Will Poland still recognize the election result? asked journalists. Kwasniewski refused to answer.

'President Kwasniewski also said that 'right from the start, Poland was of the opinion that these elections are the exam of Ukrainian democracy'... According to the President, Ukraine failed that exam...

'Kwasniewski, recalling Polish's long-standing policy towards Ukraine, said that Polish aim was always to bring Ukraine closer to the EU and NATO. He admitted that this policy had not found any takers [in the West]. He underlined the fact that many Western countries prefer to 'sacrifice relations with one country for the sake of relations with another'.'"

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Ken Mehlman: GOP Boss

This is not particularly surprising. Mehlman, by all accounts, is one of the most competent politicos in the US.

Although, this now means that Ed Gillespie is the likely choice for either Commerce or something high profile- maybe even Homeland Security.

Ugandan MPs 'beaten by troops'

This is especially disturbing given the fact that Uganada is one of the more stable countries in its region.

I think its an absolute shame that countries have ignored the problems in Africa for so long.

Stop this Illegal War!

That's what the UN staff would say if this report was about the US in Iraq and not about the UN in Congo.

Frankly, I don't expect that war will ever be "scandal free". War is a dirty business.

What I find hypocritical is the UN screaming bloody murder about Abu Gharib prision and the such, while its staff are doing things that are much, much worst- like "paedophilia, rape, and prostitution of refugees in UN camps". Refugees- not enemy combatants and terrorists in prison.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Left Wing View of G. Gordon Liddy

I'm not sure how I feel about G. Gordon Liddy. But I think the quotes in this artilce explain him fairly well. (Not the articles commnets about the quotes.)

Ron Artest: He'll be Gone Till November or so

Some said that this would not happen. They said the worst that would happen would be a 10 game suspenstion. But this former NBA fan predicted that Ron Artest would not be playing basketball for the rest of this season and could start his Rap tour. Needless to say, I was right.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Bush and Rugby

As a former scrum half this delights me immensely.

UPDATE: Here is a link that works.

Remember 1972

This is the reason why G.W. Bush is a great President. He has the guts to get in a fight to make sure his body gaurd is okay. Would Clinton/Kerry do the same?