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Friday, July 29, 2005

bluetory on Blue Jays

If you haven't been watching the Jays lately, you have been missing some great games.

I watched all three of their games this week against the Angels. I can tell you that all three games were great fun. I wish I could have gone to Rogers Centre for them.

I have a feeling that this might be a year for the good guys. They have a great team and are only 3 games behind Oakland for the wild card spot. (4 games behind Boston for the Division.) If they can do well in their next two series (win against Texas, and split aginst the White Sox,) they have a real chance at this.

UPDATE: As some of you know, I work in Orange County, California, the home of the Los Angeles Angels. I took a bit of flack when I said the Jays would get the wild card spot and take on the Angels in the AL semi-finals. Because of the sweep, I am making it a point to go to everyone's office and remind them that their team lost to mine. I don't think I'll get the employee of the day award.. ah well.. Go Jays!


Blogger Walsh Writes said...

The Jays always do better when most people ignore them...

maybe they will make the playoffs and nobody will bother them until then..

5:44 PM


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