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Monday, June 20, 2005

The Dog that voted against Stockwell Day

Adam Daifallah has a post on PQ's decision to hold its leadership election by the phone.

This is idiotic. It has never worked. It will never work. The easier you make the act of voting the easier it becomes for corrupt people to hijack democracy. (Just think how hard it would be to sign up instant Tories if all those voting in nomination races were required to answer four questions about the CPC, and imagine how much easier it would be if all nomination meetings were held over the phone.)

In the 2000 Alliance leadership race, the one where Adam knows of a cat who voted, I know of a dog that did the same. It was this phone voting that allowed a certain campaign to sign up hundereds of dead people in Quebec.

It's hard enough to stop people from voting twice when they are physically available at a convention hall, why is it that some think it would be safe to do it over the internet or over the phone? As far as I'm concerned if you are a healthy individual who is too lazy to get yourself to a convention hall to vote, you don't deserve to vote. After all, the odds are that you'll be too lazy to go help your candidate in a general election even if they win the nomination.


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