Business. Politics. News. Kazmania.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

In the Good Ol' Days

an attack on any part of the commonwealth was considered an attack on the whole of it.

That means if we still held true to the idea of commonwealth, we'd probably have to declare war today, alongside United Kingdom, and send troops to wherever they send troops.

In the good old days, this would be World War III and it would be called just that.

If that ever happens, I'd like to volunteer.


Blogger AJSomerset said...

Well, we've got troops in Afghanistan. Why don't you volunteer now?

4:38 PM

Blogger Watch said...

I actually tried.

But since we have so few troops there and since they are peacekeeping and not engaged in all-out war, the odds of me being deployed there, I was told, was slim to none.

5:21 PM


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