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Thursday, June 09, 2005

H&H: Harper and Healthcare

The mass hysteria over Harper seems somewhat too organized to be random. I don't know who is pushing it, but I intend to find out. If there is one thing I’ve learned about MSM, it’s that they don’t do anything without being pushed. My original post on this issue still applies.

On health care and the Supreme Court:

A couple of years ago I was on a rant about how judicial activism hurts the country and how the Charter of Rights was a Liberal scam. Like most other conservatives I had decided that since so many bad things have happened since the charter was enacted, they were caused by the charter. I have since learned that this is not true. I have even come to accept, if not tepidly endorse, judicial activism.

The reason why conservatives keep losing charter fights is because we refuse to fight them. Sure, our hit rate may be lower than the left wing nut-jobs, but we should still fight them. We should not let the fact that the courts are stacked full of left wing judges stop us either. Because even all the left wing judges have a certain respect for the law and will have to give in to a good argument based on it.

This is the base of the recent healthcare challenge. Sure, the SCOC did not go far enough, but this is a start. Now when the Liberals go on a rant about private health care we can point to the Supreme Court and say "well, Mr. Martin, are you saying we should use the notwithstanding clause?" (Yes, this is a legal nons-equitor, but so is the Liberals claim re: notwithstanding clause on numerous other issues.) "Are you saying we should ignore the courts that are designed to protect our rights?" Canada needs a conservative legal corps – like these guys.

This is the time to push for liberalized health care in Canada. Stephen Harper should ignore the party's policy resolution, just like he promised he would ignore the anti-abortion policy if it passed, and push for medical saving accounts. (Medical version of RRSP's.)

This, as they say, would be one small step for our party and one giant leap for our country. (or something silly like that.)


Blogger Michael Fox said...

As I said on my blog, Harper really needs to take the ball and run with it this time. This is a winning issue.

2:46 PM


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