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Monday, June 06, 2005

Supreme Court Decision on Pot

MaderBlog has a decent, and short analysis of the Gonzales v. Raich decision.

I consider myself a social conservative and I can't believe I'm supporting any decision written by Sandra "the horrible" Day O'Connor, but the federalist in me says that this is a bad decision.

I don't care so much for how the interstate commerce clause precedent has come to mean that the Federal government can do whatever its heart pleases. I especially dislike how the court has weighted political considerations in making its decision. I've skimmed the decision, but it seems to me that if there is any body that ought to be more ideological than practical it is the Supreme Court.

So far today, I've disagreed with stricter limits on a criminal and promoted marijunan liberalization laws. I think that is my limit for liberalism for the week. Tomorrow, I am going to try to have a detailed post one why I oppose marijunan liberalization.


Blogger M. Simon said...

My contention is that chronic drug use is self medication. For PTSD mostly. i.e. The durg laws are a way to punish abused children. The first link gives the Federalist argument for self medication. It quotes founder Dr. Benjamin Rush on the right to self medication.

Addiction or Self Medication?


Genetic Discrimination

Cannabinoids - the Key to many Pains?

Big Mac - heroin attack

BTW I agree with you on Raich.

6:53 PM


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