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Wednesday, November 17, 2004


So I just finished an hour long argument regarding Israel with two friends here at Queen's. I am often shocked about world opinions on Israel. (Note: one friend is a Norwegian National and the other is an uber-liberal.)

It seems to me that the main argument from these two informed people was that since the Jews were displaced from Israel many years ago they no longer have a right to the land. That seems like an arbitrary way to decide things. For example, if Israel continues to exist as it is for another 100 years, can the argument be flipped to say because the Arabs were displaced so many years ago from the legally occupied, disputed territories they no longer have a right to the land? I would argue that the Arabs lost their right to the land when the lost it in a war. (Not to even go into the biblical/historical argument)

In any case, this whole "time" discussion is a bit silly.


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