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Friday, December 03, 2004

Mistake after mistake

It seems as though Paul Martin's crew are truly the gang who coudn't shoot straight. These guys keep making mistake after mistake. During the election I had a high placed Liberal, after a TV interview, tell me that "Canadians think it is Chretien who is a crook, not Martin." That was a fundemental misunderstanding of what Canadians thought.

This is a fundemental misunderstanding of the problem. The problem isn't that some Minister gave special treatment to some stripper. The probelm is that Canadians are outraged that such a program ever existed.

If the NDP does not pick this up as an issue to take a way family mom votes away from the Grits, they are stupid. If I were advising the NDP, I would tell Jack Layton to send out a 10% to every single household in the Hamilton and Halifax area with a picture of a stripper and a Libearl logo.


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